Be Prepared for Natural Disasters


Natural disasters, such as hurricanes or tornadoes, can strike at any time. If you or a loved one has a medical condition, it is vital to be prepared. Make sure you have a plan in place in the event of a natural disaster.

When creating a disaster preparedness plan, consider these tips:

1. Identify an emergency point of contact for your family. Consolidate all emergency phone numbers into one place. Don’t forget doctors and medical centers!

2. Make sure all insurance policies are updated.

3. Develop a plan in the event you need to evacuate your home. Know the closest evacuation routes, and pay attention to emergency alerts and warnings. During a natural disaster, things can change at a moment’s notice.

4. Create a list of required medications and dosage amounts. If an emergency occurs, you’ll want to have three or more days’ worth of medications on hand.

5. Consolidate belongings for a basic home emergency kit. You’ll want enough water and food for each person for three days. Consider including necessary items, such as a flashlight, bottle opener, first aid kit and battery-powered radio. Store your supplies in a waterproof and easily accessible location.

To learn more about how to be prepared for natural disasters, visit Emergency recommendations for those living with kidney disease are available at

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